Men’s Mental Health Awareness Week

This is Mental Health Week and we at A-C-E are focusing on Men and Their Mental Wellbeing. Did you know that: In England, around 1 in 8 men have a common mental health problem*. However, men may be reluctant to seek support for their mental health or disclose mental health problems to loved ones. While […]

National Growing for Wellbeing Week 2020

National Growing for Wellbeing Week 2020 Emotional Wellbeing is an important part of life. There are many different ways that we can support ourselves and others to find a helpful balance. One of those ways is to get out in the garden and grow plants, flowers or vegetables. There are many benefits: Improve mental health […]

Mental Health Awareness Week 18 – 24 May 2020

Here we are ‘STAYING ALERT!’ and (yes still) in ‘Lockdown’ with all the stressors that this can bring! It may help us if we remind ourselves that it’s Mental Health Awareness Week – 18-24th and we’d like to introduce you to ‘Compassion Focus Therapy’ which is a proven evidence based therapeutic approach that includes some […]

Dying Matters Week 11 – 17 May 2020

The effects of Grief and Bereavement can have a considerable effect on our lives – particularly in these challenging times. These effects can sometimes be prolonged and Traumatic for us and be categorised as ‘Complicated Grief’. Losing a loved one is one of the most distressing and, unfortunately, common experiences people face. Most people experiencing […]

Maternal Mental Health Week 4-10th May

Teenage & Younger Mums/Parents can experience mental health challenges associated with pregnancy, birth & parenting. ‘Baby Blues’ – this can happen 2-3 weeks after the birth & generally go away after 2-3 weeks. Symptoms can be mood swings, tearfulness, anxiety, sadness, things feel too much, hard to fall asleep, low concentration. Depression – this can […]

April was Stress Awareness Month

April was Stress Awareness Month and here is what we did as part of our contribution As part of April Stress Awareness Month we are including regular features to aid those struggling at this unpresidented time we have a six and a half minute video that includes a brief mindful breathing exercise from one of […]

April Stress Awareness Month

Facts: Stress is a usual part of being human. It is a reaction that affects everyone. At times it can be helpful as it can motivate us. Stress can affect not only our emotional-wellbeing but also our physical-wellbeing. When a situation becomes overwhelming our bodies respond. The fight/flight or freeze response occurs. Each person will […]

ACE Carer/Parent Support Group

Would you be interested in attending an A.C.E Parent/Carer Support Group A.C.E are looking to form a group for parents/carers of young people either currently receiving ace support or those waiting for an appointment with one of our practitioners. The group will meet in Lancaster on a weekday evening and the focus of the group will […]

Kitty Brown Fashion Show

On Thursday the 14th November A.C.E held a Fashion Show fundraising event. The event was produced by Kitty Brown Boutique and was a fabulous evening enjoyed by all who attended. The evening raised a total of £499 which will contribute towards the delivery of emotional health and wellbeing support to young people. A.C.E would like […]

Autumn 2019 Newletter

Our Autumn Newsletter is now Available to read on line  You can read our Autumn Newsletter HERE. It has two pages, you can access the second page using the link in the bottom left to show page 2.